The Use of Polyurethane Foam Technology in Historic Renovation and Remediation Work

  1. Introduction

  2. Polyurethane Foam Applications

  3. Allen Memorial Art Museum

  4. Vermont History Center

  5. Currier Gallery of Art

  6. New Hampshire History Center

  7. Roswell Flower Memorial Library

  8. Conclusion


This presentation focuses on improving and repairing the exterior and interior thermal envelopes and climate-controlled spaces in historic buildings. Case  studies illustrate careful planning that maintains the historic integrity of the buildings, while utilizing innovative applications of polyurethane foams to accomplish this goal. The inter-relatedness of air sealing, vapor control and  insulation principles will be discussed, and diagnostic and quality assurance  testing procedures will be explained as well. The role of polyurethane foam technology in providing the solutions to building envelope problems will be  clearly defined as the properties of polyurethane foams are explained. Diagnostic/quality-assurance test equipment will also be displayed and  demonstrated to provide attendees with a hands-on opportunity to learn how their  projects might benefit from its use.