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Project Questionnaire

Estimate for Spraying Rim Joists or Sills in your Building

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This is a general listing and some of these areas may not apply.  Please providethe answers to only the questions that are relevant to your project.

  • Right click the "Download Word Document" or the "Download Text Document" link and select "save target as" from the menu. Save the document in the location of your choosing.

  • If your computer has the proper combination of software you can left click the link and MS Word will open and you can click "Save as" to save document in the location of your choosing.

            When the documents are complete, simply send an email to and attach the completed documents.

  • What are is the linear footage and height of the rim joists and sills to be sprayed? (list separately for each floor of the building).

  • How high is the sill/rim joist from the floor?

  • Is the installation to be done from the inside or the outside?

  • What are the floor joist framing sizes and the spacing?

  • Are there obstructions such as existing insulation, ductwork, or suspended ceilings?

  • Are all of the bays open, closed, or some of each?

  • Is there a specification for the R-value for the sills/rim joist, what R-value do you want?

  • Are there high moisture levels and from what source?

  • What are your plans for vapor control? (Polyethylene, dehumidification, etc.) See for more information.

  • Are the basement or crawl space walls included with the sills/rim joist areas to be insulated?

  • Is the framing above the rim joist balloon or platform type framing? 
    Are the wall cavities open to the rim joist?

  • Are the rim joist areas (between the floors) accessible? Please specify for each level.

  • What is the outside framing or sheathing material to be sprayed against?

  • Are there special problems with masking  - is it a timber-framed structure, are there special finishes to protect?